Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): EcoRI--6.5; PstI--4.7, 1.6; HindIII--6.5; BamHI--6.5; ClaI--6.5. Codominant segregation for the TaqI RFLP demonstrated in 46 3-generation families. Codominant segregation demonstrated in 40 3-generation families for the RsaI RFLP. RsaI also identifies two additional polymorphisms. TaqI detects a 2-allele RFLP. This probe has some lane background, but RFLPs observed under normal conditions of hybridization and washing. Enzyme(s) not detecting polymorphism: BamHI, BglII, EcoRI, HindIII, MspI, PstI, PvuII. |